Forehead frown lines treatment

We offer cosmetic technology which can tighten frown lines and reduce the signs of ageing & improve the tone of the skin in a single session, with potentially long-lasting effects.

Say goodbye to wrinkles with our forehead frown lines treatment

Forehead frown lines treatment

As people age, their skin will start sagging. 

It becomes dry and makes it prone to stubborn spots, uneven skin tone and wrinkles. 

This is when HiFu is here to sort that out, we are able to give you a Full Face which is a Non-Surgical Face Lift. 

 Although having a healthy lifestyle normally plays an important role when it comes to maintaining a younger-looking skin, it isn’t enough to just remain wrinkle-free.

That’s where High-intensity focused ultrasound comes in.

If you need a High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound for Full Face, Hifu   has got you covered. 

We have the right experience and training for this non-invasive procedure.

Feel free to contact us at HI-FU for more details.

Our customer representatives are friendly, accommodating, approachable and comfortable to work with.


Why Choose HIFU Forehead frown lines treatment ?

When multiple ultrasound rays are focused on the skin they gently heat it causing it to contract and tighten, as well as encouraging the production of collagen, the protein responsible for keeping the skin firm.

What HIFU forehead frown lines treatment does?
So skin that was once saggy (such as forehead frown lines) becomes smooth and youthful again and, with increased collagen levels, will stay that way a considerable time.

Remember that HIFU is a painless, non-surgical procedure, with no harmful side effects, and requires no recovery time. After about a month your frown lines will vanish, and stay vanished for up to a year. So you can say goodbye to that “furrowed brow” look.

Why treat Forehead Lines?
Forehead lines make you look and feel older, With one short session of HIFU (sessions can last as little as fifteen minutes) those forehead lines will go, making you look and feel young again. Losing years off your appearance will make you feel happy inside, increasing both your self-esteem and your self-confidence. And, as the effects last for up to a year, you can enjoy that feeling for months.

Is it a safe treatment?
Yes HIFU has very little downtime – it is completely non invasive and safe and FDA approved. Targeted to just the areas needed it is safe for even most sensitive skins!

In Summary The benefits of having a HIFU forehead frown lines treatment are: